Monday, March 29, 2010

Update on Project 2

Well, I just finished recording the score for my flash piece yesterday evening. It was an enjoyable experience to say the least. The track is four minutes long—and I have a feeling the movie won't be that long itself, but I can always add time to scene-cuts and what not. My goal at this point is to integrate the music into the video seamlessly. I want different segments of the video to match up to different parts of the music. If I get the buttons working, then that will be sort of a mute point because people will be switching between segments at their own volition, but if that doesn't work then it will be timed up nicely.

I also learned something interesting: splitting the flash between scenes is apparently a bad idea. Though the ability to create different scenes has been around for a while, no one really uses them. From what I've gathered in forums and random how-to articles on the web, they seem to complicate the whole process, and I'm not looking to make anything more complicated than it is already. Therefore, I've started moving my second scene into my first scene. So much for organization!

I also have an idea for how to make the background a passing road. I think I'm going to find or take a relatively large picture of pavement with double-yellow lines and what not, then edit it in photoshop, create a patchwork image where the ends will match up perfectly. Then I'll have to figure out how to loop that running across the background. We'll see how it goes.

That's where I am so far; now on to my presentation.

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